Editors’ reports on submissions will use this format.
You are encouraged to follow it, as well, but may use the comment box below if you wish.

Editor’s Report Form

Writer’s name:                               Date:                                  Title of the work examined:

Here are the observations of our editor after a careful reading of your submission.

What genre or genres does this work seem to represent?

What positive comments do you have about this work?

What general areas for improvement do you see for this work?

Give an example of two kinds of problems that need to be taken care of.

Is the writing of publication quality?

☐ Yes. Very little editing would need to be done to get this work ready for publication.

☐ Not quite. There are some narrative and stylistic improvements that need to be made.

☐ No. In addition to narrative and stylistic improvements, some work needs to be done in bringing the work into conformance to standards of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

☐ Not at all. The writing has quite serious defects in all of the above areas. The work would require intensive editing to get it ready for publication.