Submissions Procedure

Real Nice Books is currently accepting queries for publication of completed, original, previously unpublished, fully edited novels and nonfiction. We are not accepting submissions for any of the following: picture books, children’s books, Christian and other religious books, poetry, short stories, articles, or screenplays.

We are a small publisher and can accept only a limited number of queries at a time. If the contact form has been removed from this page, please check again later.

Please fill in the form below with this information:
(1) the genre or general category of your novel or nonfiction book;
(2) a one-paragraph synopsis–maximum of 200 words;
(3) the first 1,200 words of your text. Please adhere to this limit. Longer submissions cannot be read.

If we are interested in publishing your book, we will contact you at your e-mail address.

Submission form

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